Saturday, October 11, 2008

Corwin and the Magic Toliet Paper Roll

I believe this was written in 11th grade for creative writing. The assigment was to tell a story about your childhood. 

Corwin and the Magic Toliet Paper Roll

It was a staple in my household when I was younger to have what is known as the craft box. Said box was filled with every little thing my mother saw fit from bits of string, colored paper to glow in the dark sticker sheets. It was from this box that my brother, Emman saw to make a smoke bomb. Now being quite young and having no real idea of the basics of pyrotechnics my brother’s smoke bomb was fairly simple. He had filled a used toilet paper roll completely with flour then covered the ends with paper and finally stuck a piece of string through the top for a fuse.  
So the bomb was made and showed off to the friends of the apartment. We all thought it was brilliant but realized that when you are less than 10 years old there is really no reason for one to have a smoke bomb. So after a bit of brainstorm the plan came into effect to trick the neighborhood idiot, Corwin. Now unlike the rest of the kids we normally hung out with in my apartment, Corwin lived two houses down. He was always coming up with one way or another to try to get the girls of my apartment to kiss him but it never worked and would usually backfire. 
The plan was simple the three girls in the apartment, my sister Michelle and the two girls who lived downstairs Nichole and Stephanie would dress up in genie esque attire, which was also used during our home made performance of Disney’s Aladdin where I played the role of the Sultan, and they would hide behind the big tree in the backyard. My brother would then set off his smoke bomb next to the tree and out would pop the girls to trick Corwin. My role in the whole thing was to make sure Corwin would never advance far enough to see the girls behind the tree. So we put the plan into action and as the girls hid behind the tree trying their best not to giggle, my brother lit a match and put it to the fuse of his McGiver smoke bomb. Lighting flour smoke bombs in attempts to make and explosion is as pointless as playing catch with Stevie Wonder. However my brother didn’t give up just yet. In an act of desperation he picked up and threw the toilet paper roll at the tree with such force that the contents exploded everywhere. So when the dust settled all Corwin saw were three genies.
Doing an impressive job as genies the three girls semi danced their way forward to Corwin while my brother and I tried our bests not to laugh. Corwin was completely dumbfounded, whether it was the makeshift bomb or the elaborate costumes, he fell completely for it. So then of course was the time for wishes. The three “genies” asked him his request and to what should have been no surprise he immediately asked to kiss the genies. We had no plan for this but, thanks to the cunning wits of the girls and our extensive knowledge of Aladdin and therefore the rules of genies, he was told that genies cannot grant wishes of love and the three girls scurried quickly inside leaving Corwin shocked and utterly disappointed