Friday, July 10, 2009

Hmm updates part 2

Hey, remember when I said I was bringing this back? Remember when that didn't happen. I apologize, to all negative two of you. That's probably why I stopped. I wasn't really sure if anyone was reading it. Of course I should write to write, but I really enjoy constructive criticism. Alot. So if you do read these things please say so.

Out with the old-
So I deleted one of my other blogs, and the D-Unit one is going to remain inactive. Simply cause I won't have more to write, but in the case of a Fraquetball wikipedia page they have a semi source. So that leaves my focus with this blog.

In with the new.
So last time I wrote I mentioned changing up the blog a bit. Well I plan on that. First by uploading bigger files as PDFs, that way they can be easier on the eyes and easy to print out if you wish to.
Also, since my last post in December I have been accepted to and enrolled at Hope College. What this means is come September I will have new writing assignments and probably quite a few more. Hopefully I will upload them here.
Another change I will make is that this blog won't be limited to my writing but more updates on life, like my brother's blog just with more writings.

So here we go again... I hope it wont take seven months to my next post.

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