Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Moving forward

In 15 days I turn 18. The legal age of adulthood. Sure I can't rent a car yet, or be president but it is the point where I finally can be considered an adult. I don't really know where I am going with this post, but its 12:08 am and I honestly can't think of anything better to do. I'm a little bit wired as I always get when I am searching for something and right now that something is my last paycheck, which seems to have slipped out of its envelope detached itself from its pay stub and wandered into the abyss.

So I blog.

Right now, I am blogging for me more than you. That is if there is anyone who can be considered you. However I am fine with the notion that no ones reads this, it allows me to be more open with my thoughts. This is now just me writing what comes to my mind.

I am partially excited cause I may have an opportunity to go on a road trip soon. My Aunt came to town with her husband on their way cross country, to eventually stay in Seattle. However mid-trip they realized it was too much and decided to take the train the second half. This leaves a car in town that needs to make it too Seattle. Now I am considering this opportunity. I already have plans for much of my summer and I wish to have more time to work, but I feel that right now as I take this step into adulthood I need some time to myself. Moments of reflection along 94. The more I think of it the more I think of how I can't ignore it. I always fantasize of those life changing moments, and I feel that often when the door is open I turn away. Not this time though.

Hopefully I will find time on the trip to really begin my writing and explore the deepest parts of my soul. It will test my ability to be independent. Thrust me to step outside my box of comfort and meet others along the way. Yet my mind still lingers in different thoughts.

Like my last trip to Mexico I could come back unsatisfied. Pained by the feeling that my optimism led me to dream about something irrational. It happens often and I rarely falter, but after reaching the top of the Pyramid of the Sun and not feeling the sensation of life that I did years before, I now find myself once again judging my general sense of things. I feel I view the world much differently then my peers and I wonder if I just missed a step somewhere.

Yet I don't feel as though I am off course.

-Daniel Mauleon